Kyocera Unimerco 

The Brief 

The 10,000sq. ft Unimerco site, which had previously been a Rolls Royce showroom, had been unused for almost three years when Kyosera took over. 

Unimerco manufactures service tools for a wide range of sectors and the company applies a particular look and feel to its many facilities, with the former garage’s exposed framework meeting the design criteria. 
The brief involved splitting the site in two so that half of it could be used as a tooling area whilst the other half would take the form of offices. These very different environments needed to be fit for purpose whilst complementing one another, which required an innovative approach to spatial planning. 

Our Approach 

Our Approach 

The client requested that Domino Commercial Interiors to incorporate good practice measures to achieve a SKA rating of Bronze. 

Our solution was to make a range of building improvements, including the replacement of single glazed curtain walling with double glazing to greatly improve sound attenuation, which also had a specialist coating to manage solar gain. Roof insulation was installed using a 100mm layer of mineral wool plus a layer of insulated large format tiles, along with the installation of a heat recovery ventilation system and fast acting roller shutter loading bay doors to minimise heat loss. 
Aesthetic features were also designed and fitted, including large-format panels and tiles, carpets, decoration and lighting. As well as major structural refurbishment, the exposed cable tray and ventilation ductwork helped to create an industrial feel to the office area, creating a design reference to the manufacturing expertise of the company. 

The Challenges 

Challenges included taking all electrical and IT services to first floor level to mitigate flood risk. Domino Commercial Interiors also installed solid and frameless glazed partitions to form offices and meeting rooms, incorporated audio-visual equipment into the boardroom, and managed the sourcing and installation of Scandinavian design workplace furniture. 

The Outcome 

Domino is very proud of this comprehensive and unique refurbishment. The result was a tooling area and office space that perfectly fit the design brief and enabled the client to hit the ground running in their new premises. 

Talk to us! 

We are always happy to share how we have achieved results for our partners/clients on past projects and help you to achieve your goals. 

Client Testimony 

"We are very pleased with the entire course of our project with Domino Commercial Interiors. We can always recommend Domino Commercial Interiors to other companies for similar construction projects." – Jargen Bylov, COO, Kyocera