DOMINO COMMERCIAL INTERIORS LTD Occupational Health and Safety Policy 

Domino Commercial Interiors Ltd is committed to providing safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work – related injury and ill health by controlling its activities to eliminate hazards and reduce occupational, health & safety risks to employees, visitors, customers and the general public. Responsibility for Health & Safety ranked equally with that for development, production, sales and finance. 
The objectives of the policy are: 
To promote standards of Safety, Health & Welfare that as a minimum, comply fully with the terms and requirements of the Health & Safety at Work Act and all relevant legal and other requirements. 
To develop health and safety awareness and individual responsibility for health and safety issues amongst employees at all levels. 
To commit to consultation and participation of workers. 
To provide all employees with the information, instruction, training and supervision that they need to work safely and effectively. 
To maintain a safe and healthy working environment for employees with adequate facilities and arrangements for their welfare. 
To prevent nuisance to the community and to avoid damage to the environment. 
To continually improve the OH&S management system. 
This policy will be regularly reviewed and monitored by senior management to ensure that the policy is current and the objectives are being achieved, reviewed and reset as necessary. It will be reviewed and if necessary revised in the light of legislative or organizational changes. 
Michael Peckett 
Managing Director